NEW HORIZON(ニューホライズン)の教科書改訂版の和訳をまとめています。




Unit 0 : My Spring Vacation

   -Read and think


Unit1 : A Trip to Singapore

   -Scene 1

   -Scene 2

   -Read and Think 1

   -Read and Think 2


Let’s Talk 1: ホテルでのトラブル


Unit 2 : Food Travels around the World

   -Scene 1

   -Scene 2

   -Read and Think 1

   -Read and Think 2


Let’s Talk 2: ていねいなお願い


Unit 3 : My Future Job

   -Scene 1

   -Scene 2

   -Read and Think 1

   -Read and Think 2


Let’s Write 1: 留守番電話のメッセージへの返信

Let’s Read 1: History of Clocks


Unit 4 : Homestay in the United States

   -Scene 1


   -Read and Think 1

   -Read and Think 2


Let’s Write 2 : ホームステイのお礼状


Unit 5 : Universal Design

   -Scene 1

   -Scene 2

   -Read and Think 1

   -Read and Think 2


Unit 6 : Research Your Topic

   -Scene 1

   -Scene 2

   -Read and Think 1

   -Read and Think 2


Let’s Read 2: A Glass of Milk


Unit 7 : World Heritage Sites

   -Scene 1


   -Read and Think 1

   -Read and Think 2


Let’s Read 3: Pictures and Our Beautiful Planet